Flat Top Chain Engineered Solutions

Direct Conveyors can provide a wide range of Engineered Solutions with standard components.

Please reach out directly to the factory for assistance with your material handling application


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Radius Conveyors

Flat Top Chain turns can be designed at custom Radius.

The standard turns are not always ideal for a layout so custom turns can be manufactured.

This also includes Chain Shuttles for part transfers and chicanes.


74 Series Dual Lane Knuckle Flat Top Chain Side Flexing Radius 74 Series Plastic Flat Top Chain Side Flexing Radius Custom Rails 74 Series Flat Top Chain Stainless Steel Chain Side Flexing Radius


Swing Gates

Swing Gate Conveyors can be used to allow operators through to access the other side of the system.

They are usually added in the middle of different sections of conveyors.

This includes a fixed pivot mechanism on one side and wheels or guide rails on another.


74s Flat Top Chain Conveyor Swing Gate 74s Swing Gate Zoomed In Swing Gate Mechanism



Flat Top Chain as the ability to incline or decline at different sections.

High Friction chains are available to add friction for steep elevation changes.



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