Flat Belt Engineered Solutions

Direct Conveyors can provide a wide range of engineered solutions with standard components. 

Please reach out directly to the factory for assistance with your material handling application. 


For more information or inquiries, feel free to Contact Us


“L” & “Z” 

“L” and “Z” Conveyors are common for inclines and declines. 

High-friction Belts or Cleated Belts are used to move the product through the elevation change 


48 Series Cleated Flat Belt Z End Drive 48 Series Flat Belt L End Drive Casters 74 Series Cleated Flat Belt L End Drive


30/60 Series 

30 Series and 60 Series Flat Belt Conveyors are very low profile for small part transfers. 

They are specialty designed for unique material handling needs. 


60 Series Flat Belt Center Drive 60 Series Flat Belt Center Drive Stands 30 Series Flat Belt No Drive



Backlight Conveyors are used for Vision Systems. 

Mostly used for robotic picking or inspection. 

A wide variety of Backlight widths, lengths, and colors are available. 


Backlight Flat Belt 74 Series Flat Belt Green Backlight 48 Series Flat Belt Backlight End Drive



Vacuum Conveyors are used to add a downward force to hold product to the belt when traveling. 

Mostly used with very light weight parts such as paper, bags, and cloth materials 


48 Series Flat Belt Vacuum End Drive Black 48 Series Flat Belt Vacuum End Drive White 74 Series Flat Belt Vacuum Blowers


Need more information? Contact us.